Veteran actress, Chinwe Owoh reportedly slapped an upcoming actress on the set of an epic movie, which was shot in Delta State. According to the report, the no-nonsense actress slapped her younger colleague for talking too much and for not coming on set promptly. The younger actress is said to have burst into tears, and cried uncontrollably, until she was comforted by other colleagues. We have really scratched our head as to why the respected actress would do such a thing. The only explanation we can come up with, is the fact that the veteran actress was trained in a stricter and more professional environment than we have today. The veteran actress started acting as a young lady in the 70s, featuring in early TV productions such as Hotel De Jordan. Nollywood movies, which the actress has featured in include Mothering Sunday, Christian Mother, and Heart of a Saint.
EdemAya, a community so rich in mineral resources, and one of the five clans that make up the present day Ikot Abasi Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria is hosting the world on the 29 th of March 2013. As we gathered from the head of the organizing group, Miss Precious Dominic Akpan, the event is scheduled to take place at the Cooperative Hall, Ikot Ubo Akama, Edemaya in Ikot Abasi, Akwa Ibom State. Three beauties are to emerge from the event which promises to be the first ever organized pageant. The Eligibility Form which are currently on sale for a token of N 2,000 will qualify the contestants to struggle for Miss EdemAya, Miss Democracy of EdemAya and Miss Culture & Tourism of EdemAya. The screening and training of the contestants commences on 25 th through 28 th of March 2013. We have been reliably informed that the event will parade ‘who is who’ in the music industry in Akwa Ibom State and a popular reggae artist from Delta State. Imagine the sque...
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