![R.I.P, R.I.P!!!
NANS Officers ACCIDENT Victims Identified.
1] Senate President, Comrade Donald Onukaogu - FUTO, Owerri.
2] Assah Ejeita, Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri.
3] Duru Jacob, Assistant Secretary General of NANS, Zone B.
4] Japheth.
The Students Union Officials traveled last night to Uyo to intervention in the student issues that lead to a riot in the University, but regrettably, their lives were cut short in active service to humanity.
RESPECT to Our Fallen Comrades, TYPE "RIP".
Aluta Continua. - Hope For Nigeria](https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/s851x315/10556_557915487599911_1926407896_n.jpg)
The National Association of Nigerian Students, NANS, has issued a three-day ultimatum to the Inspector General of Police, Mohammed Abubakar, to provide the police officers responsible for the barricade, which the body alleged caused the accident that killed its officials.
Jibril, who is the Vice President in charge of the National Affairs, said failure of the IGP to heed the call may lead to a major NANS action.
NANS Senate President, Donald Onukuagu, and four other students died on Thursday in a ghastly motor accident in Abia State.
Other victims of the crash were Japhet Duru, AbdulAzeez Kabiru, Jerry Sorcaaa, and Asa Ejiate of Delta state University, Abraka.
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