But the babe seems to be getting her grove back, with or without her husband. In a recent chat, she speaks on Nollywood's current state and the 'trouble' in her marriage:
“I couldn’t return to acting under the prevailing circumstance. The industry I met when I came back was not the same industry I knew before I went to Switzerland. We had an industry where scripts had redeeming moral perspectives, where the craft was taken very seriously, and you had to impress the directors that you could hold your own among the best.
“We had story lines that were family friendly, where nudity or sexually explicit scenes and language were not tolerated.But alas! – the industry I met when I came back was one where young starlets are given roles, based on glamour, on beauty and where the main motivation is not to add value, but to use their celebrity to advance other interests. Most of these starlets lack talents but would parade their looks at auditions while wearing very skimpy dresses that leave nothing to the imagination.
"When you dress in such a provocative manner, you are essentially tempting the director – you are advertising your sexual attributes over your talents and you are exposing yourself to other things.”
Asked if her marriage has indeed collapsed she said: “It is not true. We are still married, but I have already told you we have challenges and we are working around those challenges.”
Jennifer however failed to disclosed the said "challenges".
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