When the rumour broke,we contacted the actress who sounded stunned at such news but went on to respond.
Tonto I am calling you to confirm another gist making the rounds. Your name has been linked to sifax boss Mr Taiwo Afolabi. It is alleged you had sex with him for a fee of five million naira. Can you tell us your side of the story?
….I Dont know him and the name rings no bell
….I Dont know him and the name rings no bell
.You have never met the above mentioned man?….No I have not
.So the story is not true?no one gave you five million for sex?….No please.
So where is this five million story coming from. First we heard of the five million naira you supposedly borrowed Mr Rotimi ajanaku who refused to pay and now we hear another five million that is sex related. What is going on?
….I wish I knew.
….I wish I knew.
.So you cannot provide us any answers?where do you think this story is coming from?there is no smoke without fire and am sure you know that your fans are let down by such news trailing you without explanation as to where or how it came about.
…This is just another funny joke gone too far like all the others. I don’t know where it is coming from. I don’t even know who the man is. I have other things to concentrate on please,these are all unecessary distractions.
…This is just another funny joke gone too far like all the others. I don’t know where it is coming from. I don’t even know who the man is. I have other things to concentrate on please,these are all unecessary distractions.
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